May long weekend, traditionally three days of camping debauchery, or if, like me, you'd rather sleep in a warm bed this early in the season, three days of garden center line-ups. I didn't think we were going to make it this year, what with snow halfway through April and all, but then we had a few days of warmth. Hey presto, winter's over.
Small boy and I make our rounds, peeking into the corners of our little urban plot. Every day, new treasure. Solomon's Seal sneaking through a stand of native violets; lily of the valley in the stepping-stone garden; rhubarb under the stairs; chives everywhere.
So many textures. We've been to the garden center; the annuals are nestled on the picnic table in the shade, getting used to the world outside the greenhouse. Soon enough there will be colour, setting off the weathered cedar that covers most of the back yard, and we will feast on it, filling ourselves up to remember through the long northern winters. But for now…for now, we have green. And we breathe.